公告單位: 國際事務處 公告時間: 2021/10/21 ~ 2021/12/31
分類: 招生考試 點閱率: 479
主題: 日本姊妹校兵庫教育大學 2022年秋季碩士招生訊息




1. 須由本校師長推薦之優秀學生
2. 日語檢定N2 (含) 以上
3. 須於2022年9月HUTE註冊入學前取得學士學位
4. 有意於2022年秋季 (10月) 赴日本兵庫教育大學(HUTE)攻讀碩士班者

(1) Application form
(2) Letter of recommendation (e.g. University President)
(3) Certificate of (expected) graduation
(4) Academic transcript
(5) Certificate of Japanese language proficiency
(6) Statement of purpose
(7) Research plan
(8) Curriculum vitae
(9) Testing fee 30,000 yen
(10) Address label



收件截止: 2021年12月31日 (三) 下午23:59截止 (逾期不受理)



  1. 欲申請該甄選入學管道者須先獲得本校師長推薦,再將申請資料交由國際處
  2. 每校僅能推薦1名學生,報名人數如有超過,將依前一學期在校班排成績薦送成績優秀學生參加甄選。
  3. 本校將依姊妹校規定保留初審資格,審查後將統一提名給HUTE,入選結果則由HUTE校方裁定,結果預計於2022年3月18日公告


The “International Student Admissions: Admissions Information for Autumn 2022 Enrollment”for Master's program at Hyogo University of Teacher Education Graduate School of School Education is now available.

1.An institution may recommend 1 individual.

2.Applications must be submitted by December 31 2021 to oia_exchange@mail.nknu.edu.tw. Applicants should prepare the required documents in accordance with the attached documents. Late applications will not be accepted so as not to affect the rights of those who have submitted them.

3.Hyogo University of Teacher Education's semester start time for Fall 2022: October 2022.







相關附檔: (English) Overview_HUTE Admissions information for Autumn Enrollment 2022.pdf (128460 Kb)
(Japanese) Overview_秋季入学募集概要(日本語版)2022.pdf (91998 Kb)
(Japanese)秋季入学募集要項(日本語版)2022.pdf (291811 Kb)
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