公告單位: 體育室 公告時間: 2024/7/2 ~ 2024/12/31
分類: 活動快報 點閱率: 24
主題: 138 Sports Administration Newsletter (20% off registration discount for the World Masters Games ends on Sept. 17th)

SA monthly picks  本月精選

★Great Places for Sports: 21 Civic Sports Centers, Contract Award Rate Hit 90%

運動好所在 21 座全民運動館近 9 成發包動工


★ Things You Should Know Before River Tracing

溯溪前的貼心提醒  體育署重申參加溯溪活動應注意事項


★ The 2024 National Intercollegiate Athletic Games Conclude Successfully, See You at Chang Jung Christian University Next Year

11 3 年全大運圓滿落幕  相約明年長榮大學見


★ Half A Century of Inheritance: 2024 Nantou National Disabled Games Opens With Enthusiasm

「樂在南投」 半世紀的傳承 113 年全國身心障礙國民運動會熱情開幕


★ Th e Sports Administration Encourages Companies and Individuals To Support The Pride of Taiwan




Please visit our website for more information

中文 Chinese:  #138  May 2024   體育署電子報

教育部體育署-Sports Administration Newsletter #138 May 2024


英文 English: Sports Administration Newsletter #138 May 2024

Sports Administration, Ministry of Education-Sports Administration Newsletter #138 May 2024



邱心如  Elfie Chiu 

教育部體育署國際及兩岸運動組  International and Cross-Strait Sports Division Sports Administration, Ministry of Education




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