公告單位: 軍訓教官室 公告時間: 2024/6/3 ~ 2024/9/30
分類: 行政資訊 點閱率: 251
主題: Fraud Prevention for All 全民防詐案例_英語版

Dear Sir/Madam,


The Campus Safety Advocacy Office at NKNU has some urgent information to announce:


Recently, an international master’s student from NKNU was scammed out of 30,000 NTD. The details of the scam and our suggested reminders are as follows:


  1. Details of the Scam Involving R (an International Master's Student in a Certain Department):
    • At the beginning of May, R reported to the police that a third-year master's student, A, in the same department received a LINE message from classmate B stating an urgent need for money. Consequently, A asked R to help transfer 30,000 NTD to B's account.
    • After the transfer, A enquired with B, who revealed that their LINE account had been hacked and they had not borrowed money from anyone. It became apparent that R had been scammed, prompting R to report the incident to the police.
  2. Friendly Reminder:
    • From the above description, this is a typical scam involving impersonation of acquaintances and account hacking. The Campus Security Centre advises department directors to not only enhance anti-fraud education but also to remind faculty and students of the following:
      • When someone mentions "borrowing money," it is crucial to be vigilant and carefully verify the person's identity.
      • If a classmate urgently needs to borrow money, it is best to meet them in person to hand over the money or confirm their identity over the phone before proceeding. This can help prevent and avoid similar incidents.

Campus Security Announcement:

  • Anti-fraud Awareness: Be cautious of scams impersonating acquaintances and avoid transferring money straightforwardly.

Best regards,


The Campus Safety Advocacy Office at NKNU


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