公告單位: 師資培育與就業輔導處就業輔導組 公告時間: 2024/4/25 ~ 2024/5/2
分類: 徵才就業 點閱率: 71
主題: 工研院 5/8 全球人才線上招募會
Experts in the field will introduce ITRI's latest Net Zero technology developments.
If you are interested in a career in innovative technology R&D and would like to learn more about our job and internship openings, please join us!
活動資訊 Event Info:*Taiwan time(UTC+8)*
 5 / 8 (三)  10:00-11:40*
 會議連結將於 5 / 6 寄送
ITRI Recruiting Team will send the meeting links on May 6.
This session will be in Chinese.
After the event, we will make available a video with English subtitles
If you can't join the online event, but are interested in the event video with English subtitles,
please complete the registration form and we will send the video after the event.


相關附檔: image002.jpg (63.7314453125 Kb)
聯絡資訊: (07)717-2930 和平校區 :80201高雄市苓雅區和平一路116號 燕巢校區:82446高雄市燕巢區深中路62號
國立高雄師範大學版權所有, All Right Reserved‧ 管理維護 / 圖書資訊處