公告單位: 成人教育研究所 公告時間: 2023/9/16 ~ 2023/10/20
分類: 徵才就業 點閱率: 227
主題: 徵才啟事:徵求國立高雄師範大學成人教育研究所助理教授(含)以上專任教師1名












  1. 最高學歷畢業證書影本(持外國學歷者需繳交外交部駐外使館認證過之國外學歷證件)
  2. 身份證或護照影本
  3. 教師資格之教師證書影本
  4. 履歷表(內容需包括學經歷、博碩士論文名稱及摘要、歷年著作目錄、專長領域及可開授課程之說明)
  5. 博士修課成績單一份(國外學校請檢附成績單中譯本)
  6. 代表作(至多三件)
  7. 教學理念;可開授課程與授課大綱之說明:成人教育理論專題研究/成人教育學研究、2. 數位時代成人學習研究、3.成人教與學專題研究
  8. 上開課程中,擇一門擬進行試教之科目提供授課中英文教學綱要
  9. 其他:如可英文授課等











    洽詢電話:07-7172930轉1752 王小姐

    E-mailtg@mail. nknu.edu.tw









Recruitment Notice for Graduate Institute of Adult Education of National Kaohsiung Normal UniversityTaiwan


Full-time Assistant professor or above



Education & experiences:

(1) Related fields of adult education

(2) Ph.D. degree recognized by the Ministry of Education  

(3) Assistant professor or above certification: certified by the Ministry of Education


  1. Preliminary review: a review of essential information


Please provide the information below:

  1. Photocopy of the graduation certificate of the highest degree (holding a foreign degree will need to submit it certified by the embassy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
  2. Photocopy of ID card or passport
  3. Photocopy of professorship certification
  4. Curriculum Vitae (contents should include academic experience, title and abstract of doctoral and master's thesis, academic works list, and the field of expertise)
  5. A copy of the transcript of the doctoral course
  6. Up to three selected publications
  7. Teaching philosophy; description of courses and syllabi that can be taught as followed: 1) Special Topics in Theories of Adult Education / Studies in Adult Pedagogy, 2) Adult Learning in Digital Era, 3) Special Topics in Adult Teaching and Learning
  8. In the above courses, please choose one course, provide the teaching syllabus in both Chinese and English, and demonstrate your instructional method when you become one of the selected candidates.
  9. Others: English instructional competence is desired.


  1. Review: interviews and teaching demo

Date: further notice

  1. Application materials

Submission Deadline: 5:00 pm October 20, 2023

Please send application materials to: 

No.116, Heping 1st Rd., Lingya Dist., Kaohsiung City 802, Taiwan

Professor, Pai-Lin Lee, Graduate Institute of Adult Education

Contact phone:+886-07-7172930  ext. 1752  Ms. Wang

E-mail: tg@mail. nknu.edu.tw

(Please provide contact information and a day and night contact phone number. If the application materials need to be returned, please indicate it and attach a return envelope)



相關附檔: 112年專任教師徵才啟事(含英文).pdf (379058 Kb)
聯絡資訊: (07)717-2930 和平校區 :80201高雄市苓雅區和平一路116號 燕巢校區:82446高雄市燕巢區深中路62號
國立高雄師範大學版權所有, All Right Reserved‧ 管理維護 / 圖書資訊處