韓國慶北大學「學位研究生獎學金計畫」(2021 KNU Global Korea Scholarship)[KNU GKS]
申請日期:現在~ 2021年4 月7日前。
更多獎學金申請資格相關問題,請逕洽韓國慶北大學諮詢信箱: kgsp@knu.ac.kr
2021 KNU Global Korea Scholarship(Graduate Degree Program) Information
The GKS degree program is fully funded by the Korean government which includes tuition, monthly expenses, insurance, airfares, etc. Please see the attachments for more details.
Kyungpook National University is accepting applications now till April 7th,2021.
If you are interested, please contact kgsp@knu.ac.kr