公告單位: 國際事務處 公告時間: 2021/12/10 ~ 2021/12/20
分類: 活動快報 點閱率: 579
主題: 韓國大慶大學- 線上韓語冬令營-2022年1 月 03 日至 13 日 Daekyeung University Korea, Online Korean Camp

韓國大慶大學- 線上韓語冬令營 - 20221 03 日至 1 13





※費用:美金 100元

於2021年12月19日23:59前,完整填寫下列連結https://forms.gle/xLEFUuD5ez2pxUmr6 ,由國際處統一報名


若有夏令營相關問題請逕洽該校Dustin Waters 先生 dlwaters@tk.ac.kr


Daekyeung University - Online Korean Camp - two weeks -January 3 – January 13.

The camp is designed to be an introduction to Korean language and culture for those who have interest but are unable to make the long trip to the country, for only USD $100. 


※Eligibility: current NKNU students

※Registration deadline: Before December 19, 2021 23:59 pm

※Fee: USD 100

※Application process:

 You will be able to read more information from the poster and program plan attached. All interested students are encouraged to complete the simple sign-up process via https://forms.gle/xLEFUuD5ez2pxUmr6  before the deadline, OIA will sign up to the host university.

(The host university will contact the students to complete the application, including the payment method.)

If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Dustin Waters <dlwaters@tk.ac.kr>





相關附檔: DK Online Korean Camp Promo.png (1689.8076171875 Kb)
Short Program Plan.pdf (116.6279296875 Kb)
聯絡資訊: (07)717-2930 和平校區 :80201高雄市苓雅區和平一路116號 燕巢校區:82446高雄市燕巢區深中路62號
國立高雄師範大學版權所有, All Right Reserved‧ 管理維護 / 圖書資訊處