公告單位: 國際事務處 公告時間: 2022/6/6 ~ 2022/6/20
分類: 活動快報 點閱率: 272
主題: 日本新潟大學線上夏令營2022(Niigata University Summer Program 2022)Call for Applications

日本新潟大學線上夏令營2022(Niigata University Summer Program 2022)Call for Applications


日本姊妹校新潟大學(NU)提供2022 年暑期課程(線上)。該計劃將與 NU 學生一起遠距學習。為學生提供學習日本語言和日本文化的機會。前四天為國際學生和 NU 學生兩門單獨的課程。在課程的最後一天,所有學生將一起參與討論,相互交流





  1. 申請人在本課程期間須為攻讀學位的在學學生
  2. 申請人具有初級(最低JLPT-N4)或中級(最低JLPT-N3)水平日語能力。
  3. 申請人有足夠的英語語言能力。
  4. 申請人應參加所有預定的課程以順利完成課程。報名前請確認可以全程參與所有課程(計算時間:資料上皆為日本時區JST,請自行轉換)。



※申請期限: 2022年6月20日23:59前


  1. 信件主旨:日本新潟大學2022年線上夏令營-學生姓名。附上英文在學證明、且填妥附件letter of recommendation(以英文繕打),E-MAIL至國際處信箱(oia_exchange@mail.nknu.edu.tw,由國際處統一向姐妹校報名(報名人數若超過限定名額,以抽籤決定)
  2. 並填寫線上申請表: 請於2022 6 25 日線上完成填寫https://forms.office.com/r/E5bpnqK3mz
  3. 申請結果將於七月中左右宣布



[Niigata University Summer Program 2022] Call for Applications


Niigata University (NU) offers the Summer Program 2022. The program is designed for students from our partner universities who will learn remotely from their home country with NU students. It provides students with opportunities to study not only Japanese language and culture but also develop their capabilities to study in Japan, and contribute to the globalizing world in different social settings in the future.

The program offers two separate courses designed for international students and NU students for the first four days. On the final day of the program, all students participate in discussion together, and interact with each other through collaborative online international learning (COIL).


◆Date: August 22 to August 25


An applicant must meet all of the following requirements.

(1) The applicant is enrolled as a degree-seeking student during the period of the program in NKNU.

(2) The applicant has basic (minimum JLPT-N4) or intermediate (minimum JLPT-N3) level of Japanese language proficiency.

(3) The applicant has sufficient English language proficiency.

(4) The applicant is expected to attend all the scheduled classes to complete the program successfully.


◆Program Tuition: Free of charge.

◆How to apply for the program:

  • STEP1: Students must submit “Certificate of Enrollment” and “letter of recommendation” to oia_exchange@mail.nknu.edu.tw by June 20, 2022 .Attached please find the letter of recommendation and use it for your submission.
  • STEP2: Applicants who wish to participate in the program must fill in the necessary information by accessing the following URL by June 25, 2022 https://forms.office.com/r/E5bpnqK3mz
  • Announcement of selection result: NU will inform our partner universities of the result by mid-July.

◆More details, please read the attached information.




相關附檔: 1. Official Letter_2022.pdf (468209 Kb)
2. Guideline English_2022.pdf (314260 Kb)
3. Letter of Recommendation.docx (12640 Kb)
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