日本新潟大學(秋冬季)線上日語課2023 NU Special Online Program for Japanese Language Learners Fall 2023
※日期: 2023年10月至2024年02月
※對象:本校在學學位生(需於2024年2月前皆有本校在學生身分,於此前畢業者則不適用此活動),且過去未參加過本活動2學期(含)以上的學生。 (學生僅參加過一學期的學生亦可申請。)
※研習費用: 免學費(學生必須支付教科書費用,費用將在日後由新潟大學公告)
※研習費用不包含: 教科書 與 郵寄費用
- 新潟大學日語學習者在線特別課程申請表(Word/PDF)
- 英文版成績單(PDF)
- 英文版在學證明(PDF)
- Recommendation Form(附檔格式)
- 註: 學生填下列三欄即可: (1) "学生氏名 (英字で書いてください)(2) 所属大学における 卒業予定年月 (3) 所属大学における学位レベル
※申請期限: 2023年7月30日 23:59前
※報名方式:請備妥上述文件,E-MAIL至國際處信箱(oia_exchange@mail.nknu.edu.tw) ,由國際處統一向姐妹校報名。(報名人數若超過限定名額,以抽籤決定)
- 報名者須確認可完全參加所有課程。
- 學生請備妥穩定網路及相關電腦設備以進行口語和聽力練習。
- 所有課程都是線上同步互動進行,學生應注意與日本的時差。
- 請確認日文程度以選擇合適的課程
- 申請結果將於9月底左右宣布
※Dates: April 2023 to August 2023
※Target: 3 current degree-seeking students at NKNU and will graduate after February 2024. Students who have not participated in this program for two semesters (twice) in the past. (Students who have participated for only one semester are eligible.)
※Study fee: Free of charge (students must pay for textbooks, which will be announced by Niigata University in the future)
※Study fee does not include: Textbooks and shipping fee.
※Application documents:
- Niigata University Special Online Program for Japanese Language Learners Application Form(WORD or PDF)
- Academic Transcript issued by home university (PDF)
- Certificate of Enrollment issued by home university (PDF) Recommendation Form (attached file)
-Note: Students fill in the following three columns: (1)" Student's Name in alphabet letters" (2)"Planned month and year of graduation from home university" (3)"Degree-level at home university"
*Application deadline: July 30, 2023, 23:59
※Application method: Please complete the above documents and e-mail them to the International Office (oia_exchange@mail.nknu.edu.tw). (If the number of applicants exceeds the quota, a lottery will be held to determine the applicants)
- Applicants must confirm themselves’ full participation in all courses.
- Students should have a stable internet connection and relevant computer equipment for oral and listening practice.
- All courses are online and interactive, so students should be aware of the time difference with Japan.
- Please check your Japanese level to choose the right course.
- Application results will be announced around the end of September.
- For more information, please refer to the attached documents.