公告單位: 國際事務處 公告時間: 2017/12/20 ~ 2017/12/25
分類: 活動快報 點閱率: 247
主題: Study In Taiwan online Survey「2017留學臺灣線上問卷調查」活動




Foundation for International Cooperation in Higher Education of Taiwan is holding “Study in Taiwan Online Survey” The survey is about international students’ general thoughts about studying in Taiwan. If you are an international student and currently studying in Taiwan , we sincerely invite you to participate in the survey.

The participants can join the lucky draw. The first prize is iPhone X 64GB.

 Event website:http://raising.deepsurvey.net/WQ1710.aspx

 For details, see the attachment.





相關附檔: 2017study in Taiwan Online Survey.pdf (173.2197265625 Kb)
2017留學臺灣線上調查活動辦法.pdf (93.169921875 Kb)
聯絡資訊: (07)717-2930 和平校區 :80201高雄市苓雅區和平一路116號 燕巢校區:82446高雄市燕巢區深中路62號
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