公告單位: 數學系 公告時間: 2018/4/24 ~ 2018/6/4
分類: 活動快報 點閱率: 331
主題: 數學系 學術專題演講 107年6月4日(星期一)下午14:00~16:00

講 者:林景隆教授



講題: Quantitative estimates for the Lam\'e system with rough coefficients 


In this paper we study the local behavior of a solution to the  Lam\'e system when the Lam\'e coefficients $\lambda$      and $\mu$ satisfythat $\mu$ is Lipschitz and  $\lambda$ is essentially bounded in dimension $n\ge 2$.

One of the main results is the \emph{local} doubling inequality for the solution of the Lam\'e system.

This is a quantitative  estimate of the strong unique continuation property.

Our proof relies on Carleman estimates with carefully chosen weights.


時間:107年6月4日(一) 下午14:00~16:00

地點:致理大樓 MA803 教室


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