公告單位: 數學系 公告時間: 2018/12/3 ~ 2018/12/17
分類: 活動快報 點閱率: 199
主題: 數學系 學術專題演講 107年12月17日(星期一)下午14:00~15:40

講者:祁鋒 教授(天津工業大學數學研究所所長)

時間:12月17日(一) 14:00-15:40

地點:致理大樓 MA803教室

題目:The Inverse of a Triangular Matrix and Identities of the Catalan Numbers

In the paper, the authors establish two identities to express the generating function of the Chebyshev polynomials of
the second kind and its higher order derivatives in terms of the generating function and its derivatives each other,
deduce an explicit formula and an identities for the Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind, derive the inverse
of an integer, unit, and lower triangular matrix, present several identities of the Catalan numbers, and give some
remarks on the closely related results including connections of the Catalan numbers respectively with the Chebyshev
polynomials, the central Delannoy numbers, and the Fibonacci polynomials.


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