公告單位: 國際事務處 公告時間: 2025/3/25 ~ 2025/4/16
分類: 活動快報 點閱率: 55
主題: Chinese Calligraphy Course for International Students and Teachers 僑外生書法課熱烈招生中!



👉時間:2025年4月16日~2025年6月11日 (5月7日不上課)

    每週三上午 9:00 至 11:30
👉授課老師 : 國文系 陳柏伩教授

This time, we have invited Professor Chen Bo-Xin from the Department of Chinese to guide overseas Chinese students and international students in mastering the secrets of calligraphy with a Chinese writing brush. You will experience the mystery and beauty of Chinese characters! You can also participate in the competition and be awarded a cash prize! All overseas Chinese and international students are welcome, and foreign teachers are also welcome to sign up!
👉 Time: April 16, 2025 - June 11, 2025 (No class on May 7)
 Every Wednesday from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM
👉 Location: Literature Building, Room 3104, Calligraphy Classroom
👉 Instructor: Professor Chen Bo-Xin, Department of Chinese
👉The maximum number of participants: 40 (Admission will be based on the order of registration.)
At the end of the course, a calligraphy competition will be held, and the winners will be awarded a cash prize.

 🎉 1st place: 5000 NTD
 🎉 2nd place: 3000 NTD
 🎉 3rd place: 2000 NTD
 🎉 Honorable Mention (multiple winners): 1000 NTD
Students who attend at least seven sessions will be eligible to participate in the final calligraphy competition and have a chance to win this cash prize!




聯絡資訊: (07)717-2930 和平校區 :80201高雄市苓雅區和平一路116號 燕巢校區:82446高雄市燕巢區深中路62號
國立高雄師範大學版權所有, All Right Reserved‧ 管理維護 / 圖書資訊處